WHEN DOES CHILD SUPPORT END IN PA? Child support payments provide for a variety of expenses, like medical fees, school expenses, activity expenses, food and clothing, just to name a few; that fall to the custodial parent. Child Support i...
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Most states in the U.S. consider it the equal responsibility of both parents to support their children. The purpose of child support is to provide for a child's needs housing, clothing, food, medical assistance and extracurricular activ...
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There is an old adage which states that good help is hard to find. As we go about our daily business that can certainly seem to be the case. It is inevitable that, in the daily grind of activities like doing business, travel, en...
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RETROACTIVE CHILD SUPPORT IN TEXAS Sometimes many parents assume that they do not need to pay child support unless a court orders them to do so. However, this is not true and such people must understand the Retroactive Child Su...
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