Family Law Facilitator Los Angeles
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Family Law Facilitator Los Angeles
If you are living in a toxic relationship, it is better to get a divorce or legal separation. But with divorce comes the uncertainty of your future and the effect it may have on your family. Then there are the issues of division of property, child custody, child and spousal support which need to be sorted out.
A person already going through mental trauma due to the separation process, needs guidance and support regarding all the aforementioned matters, especially if you're a resident of Los Angeles. This is where Affordable Legal Help comes into the picture.
As family law facilitator Los Angeles, we provide unbundled legal services to get you through the divorce process and handle all the formalities that come with it. We also provide you with a full understanding of how family laws work in Los Angeles.
Preparation for Filing a Divorce
In Los Angeles, filing for a divorce is not a complex process. You don't have to prove anything to the court, instead, you can file for a divorce based on irreconcilable differences. However, you might need the services of a family law facilitator Los Angeles country to assist you with your case and guide you about the family laws attributed to divorce and child custody related issues.
Divorce Process in Los Angeles
The residents of Los Angeles have the option to pursue a divorce with the help of a Los Angeles superior court family law facilitator. The Child Law Help Centre has stated the process of divorce in Los Angeles, stated below:
1) Petition and Summons
There are two parties involved in the divorce process; the petitioner and the respondent. Petitioner is the person who files for the divorce and the respondent is the person who responds from the side of the other party i.e. the spouse or one of their family members.
The court presents the petition and summons to the respondent. Summons is to inform the respondent to appear in court on a given date. If the respondent fails to appear in court or respond to the court order, the superior court can give the order in favour of the petitioner.
2) Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure
The preliminary declaration of disclosure is a document which is shared between both the spouses with the help of a family law facilitator Los Angeles county. This document includes all the details about their income, assets and debts.
3) Final Declaration of Disclosure
Once both the spouses have come to terms on the preliminary declaration of disclosure, they move on to the final declaration of disclosure. This is the same as the previous document but includes changes or updates agreed upon. The family law facilitator Los Angeles country looks over the entire correspondence.
4) Marital Settlements
If everything goes smoothly and both the parties agree on the issues presented in the aforementioned documents, then there is no need for a trial. The family law facilitator Los Angeles superior court prepares a marital settlement agreement that states all the terms of the divorce and presents it to spouses.
5) Discovery and Arbitration Process
The discovery process is initiated in case the spouses disagree on some terms of the divorce. If they have issues regarding child custody, they will have to complete the PACT which is a court-sponsored parenting class. If the issues are related to property, the court can equally divide it by asking the spouses to initiate the arbitration process.
6) Trial
The trial takes place in case of complicated situations where the parties are not ready to settle on the terms of divorce and other issues. The Los Angeles superior court family law facilitator from both sides will then come forward and share evidence and other supporting documents for the trial.
7) The Divorce Judgment
Even if both the parties agree on the terms presented by the family law facilitator Los Angeles country or they decide to take matters to court, the divorce will be finalized only when the court issues a divorce judgment. If the parties want to make amendments to the terms stated about child custody and child support, they can file a motion to change the judgment.
Family Law Issues
When a couple gets divorced, several issues arise that need to be dealt with before the court issues a final judgment. The severity of these issues call for the help of a family law facilitator Los Angeles. Following are some of the basic issues and formalities that come with the divorce process.
1) Child Custody
Child custody depends on two factors:
- Marriage
- Domestic partnership
In both cases, you can file for custody and visitation in case of the following events:
- Divorce or separation between the spouses.
- Termination of domestic partnership.
- Filing for support and custody in case the child is a minor.
If a formal relationship was absent between the couple, you can file for custody and visitation on the following accounts:
- Restraining order due to domestic violence.
- Paternity case
- Filing for support and custody in case the child is a minor.
Factors Considered in Child Custody Cases
When a child custody case is presented to the court, they take the decision keeping the best interest of the child in mind. Some of the factors taken into consideration are as follows:
- Age of the child
- Custodial and non-custodial parents
- Health of the child
- The ability of each parent to take care of the child
- Background check of parents for substance abuse or violence
- Current relationships of the parents
2) Spousal Support
When a divorce is finalized, one party is supposed to give spousal support to the other party based on their monthly income and assets. The spouse with a higher income is supposed to make payments to the other party so that they can maintain their standard of living.
3) Property and Debt Division
According to Los Angeles family laws, the marital property of the couple is equally divided among both of them. Same is the case with debt. Even if the loan is in the name of one spouse, the debt is split equally.
Contact Us
Going through a divorce is an overwhelming process and understanding all the terms and agreements can be quite ambiguous. The services of a law facilitator Los Angeles superior court can provide you relief from all the legal documentation and processes. Therefore, to smoothly go about the procedure contact our lawyers, who will gladly answer queries and guide you at every step.